In consideration of receiving this VITAL SIGNS™ Series, I agree as follows: 


1. Intellectual Property 


  1. I shall request to share Victoria’s Voice Foundation’s (hereinafter referred to as VVF) Intellectual Property that is provided to me by and through VVF, and understand without written permission, I am prohibited from sharing all VVF content provided to me. 


  1. I understand that VVF will manage the Intellectual Property is solely responsible for patenting and commercializing the Intellectual Property. 


  1. I understand that I will not receive any financial benefit, licensing, patenting assistance, or other financial compensation from VVF. Any financial benefit would have to be agreed to in a separate agreement with VVF. 


2. Confidentiality 


2.1 For purposes of this agreement, “Confidential Information” means any nonpublic information that: 


(a) Is disclosed by and through VVF or marked “Confidential;” 




(b) Any and all collateral, curriculum, slide-deck(s), presentations, pitches, and all further information created and produced by VVF.


2.2 I shall exercise reasonable care to prevent the disclosure of Confidential Information to any third party and shall only use Confidential Information for the educational purpose for which it is shared.


2.3. Presentations shared by and through VVF may be shared but are subject to advance review by VVF. VVF may designate a specific item of the Confidential Information that cannot be included in any presentation. VVF may also request in writing that the presentation be given to a very limited audience. I will not be permitted to edit the presentation. 


3. No Representations or Warranties 



Victoria’s Voice Foundation does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the content in this video series, or assumes any liability for, any Confidential Information that may have been expressed in its content.


4. Ownership; No Rights Granted 


Voice Foundation retains all rights, title, and interest in and to all of the content in this video series and content, including intellectual property rights. All content downloaded and used in this platform will remain the property of Victoria’s Voice Foundation and shall not be altered or changed for any other use but that of educating and inspiring.


5. Publicity 


The viewer will not use or permit the use of this content, names, logos, trademarks, or other identifying data in any notices to third parties, any study, policy, outreach, promotional, marketing, advertising, investment, or other materials, or in any website, social media vehicle, press release or other public communication, however, characterized, without first obtaining written consent from Victoria’s Voice Foundation.